LAS VEGAS – BLACK HAT USA – RSA, the security arm of storage giant EMC, today unveiled a new service designed to stop malicious applications on mobile devices. The offering, the company says, comes at a time where there is a need to counter the emergence of malicious and unauthorized apps appearing in mobile app stores.
RSA’s Anti Rogue App Service is a managed offering that will detect and take action against malicious mobile applications. The service monitors all the major app stores for all mobile operating systems, and will detect potentially harmful apps as they are downloaded to a given device.
The service will prevent mobile attacks that target sensitive information, such as credentials or documentation. Moreover, it also works along side the other Fraud Action services from RSA, including anti-Trojan and anti-Phishing.
“We’re finding that organizations offering legitimate mobile apps used for online banking, retail, gaming and other functions aren’t prepared and are mostly unaware of the mobile app threats lurking in app stores,” said Dan Schiappa, RSA’s Senior Vice President for Identity & Data Protection.
More information is available at the RSA booth at Black Hat, or online here.