Hello world. While I have blogged pretty frequently in the past, this is my first official column for any sort of major publication, and I am so grateful for the opportunity from SecurityWeek.
While I have not begun this engagement as a representative of the company I work for, Intel Corporation, I am proud to say that I’ve worked for the company for 21 years. During that time I have held a variety of different leadership positions, including the chief of staff for Intel’s then-president Renee James. It was working for her in that capacity that I was exposed to two topics that form not only the foundation of my career, but also the platform to deliver you content worth reading.
While far from perfect, Intel is an amazing company, contributing technical innovations that truly, and this is not a cliché, change the world around us every couple years. That contribution to the world is frequently discounted in favor of other seemingly more exciting areas of and actors in technology. But, without Intel, so much of the innovations in new workloads like AI or Blockchain, in social media, in scientific research, would be impossible. The company also innovates in non-technical ways and always has. Most recently I will point to the area of diversity and inclusion. On that note, let me describe the two areas for which I will be contributing to SecurityWeek’s readers.
My two areas of focus for writing will be (1) diversity and inclusion in the workplace and (2) security from the perspective of the bigger picture as well as hardware as a contributing factor to eventually turning the tide.
Diversity and inclusion in this context categorically means two things. First, it means getting the most out of every employee in the workplace by creating a culture, and growing that culture, to make that happen. While race and gender often come up and are absolutely relevant, the end result we want is a workplace that is both fair to all – and one that produces the best products and services for customers. You get that done by making sure every employee contributes their fullest. Second, to that end, it’s about creating a workplace where we attract and retain the best talent. Technology in general, and security specifically, suffer from challenges in both attracting and retaining the best. This whole topic is intertwined if you are able to see all the connections the way they really are.
Security itself has represented a losing battle for so long – I would contend it is the singular losing societal / macro investment ever. More investment every year with worse outcomes every year. Repeat. While many dismiss Intel’s role in security, and while Intel itself has dramatically changed its strategy over the years, the reason I continue to work in security at Intel is due to the fact that I believe hardware can make a difference and finally change global outcomes, finally turn the return on investment positive. I believe it’s about not fighting fair, it’s about winning – and hardware innovation and integration AT SCALE is required.
So, following on from that, my commitment to readers is that I will only publish columns on topics that I think I have a unique take to provide. I will respect SecurityWeek and its readers by not giving a take on a subject that has been overdone and or aware I have no additional value to add.
Thank you again to SecurityWeek and, to its readers, I look forward to engaging with you in the upcoming months and hopefully years.