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Email Security

The US government warns of a North Korean threat actor abusing weak email DMARC settings to hide spear-phishing attacks.


A botnet dismantled in January and used by Russia-linked APT28 consisted of more than just Ubiquiti Edge OS routers.

Google Boosts Bug Bounty Payouts Tenfold in Mobile App Security Push

Malware & Threats

Researchers can earn as much as $450,000 for a single vulnerability report as Google boosts its mobile vulnerability rewards program.

Cuttlefish Malware Targets Routers, Harvests Cloud Authentication Data 

Malware & Threats

Cuttlefish malware platform roaming around enterprise SOHO routers capable of covertly harvesting public cloud authentication data from internet traffic.

Malware & Threats

The new Wpeeper Android trojan ceased operations after a week and has zero detections in VirusTotal.

Critical Vulnerabilities in Judge0 Lead to Sandbox Escape, Host Takeover

Malware & Threats

Three vulnerabilities in the Judge0 open source service could allow attackers to escape the sandbox and obtain root privileges on the host.

Beating Back the Botnets


Why Organizations Should be Utilizing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Systems to Ferret Out Botnet Infections.Botnets are insidious. They spread like digital weeds...