Microsoft has dismissed a lawsuit against a company it contended a month ago was at the heart of the now-defunct Kelihos botnet.In September, Microsoft...
Last week, Duqu, the next-step toward the next-generation Stuxnet, was revealed by researchers, although its pedigree and the intended target remains the subject of...
Two unknown sources close to the NSADAQ investigation have told Reuters that malicious software that worked its way into a web-based communications platform at...
The marriage of McAfee and Intel has produced some well-publicized announcements of late. First there was DeepSAFE; now there’s Deep Defender, new security software...
McAfee Releases Endpoint Security Built on DeepSAFE Technology Co-Developed by McAfee and IntelMcAfee today announced “McAfee Deep Defender” the company’s next generation endpoint security...
Details Emerge on "Duqu" a Possible Precursor to the Next StuxnetSymantec researchers shared details today on what they say could be the precursor to...
Symantec has partnered with Armorize Technologies, a provider of Web malware detection solutions, to launch “Symantec AdVantage”, a new cloud-based anti-malvertising solution.
Analyzing Outbound and Inbound Traffic, and Network Segmentation Can Help Protect Your Network, Even After It Has Been Compromised.In my previous column I took a...
Air Force officials revealed more details about a malware infection that impacted systems at the Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. The malware attack...