Symantec on Wednesday announced that it has split the roles of chairman of the board and chief executive officer. Dan Schulman was elected to the position of non-executive chairman while Steve Bennett remains president and chief executive officer, the company said.
“I’m excited about Symantec’s prospects and for the opportunity to contribute to its continued success,” said Schulman. “As CEO, Steve has a vision for where he wants to take the company and help it reach its fullest potential. I look forward to working with him, the board, and everyone at Symantec to help transform the company to deliver greater value for employees, customers and shareholders.”
“The board and I agree that having an independent director serve as the non executive chairman is in the best interests of our shareholders,” said Bennett. “Separating the positions of chairman and CEO allows me to focus on executing the company’s strategic plan and managing the company’s operations and performance. It enhances the board’s independent oversight of the company’s senior management team and enables better communications and relations between the board, the CEO and other senior management segments of the company.”
It was announced that Bennett would take over the role of President and CEO from Enrique Salem in July 2012.
Schulman has been a member of Symantec’s board of directors since March 2000.
In December the company announced that former Best Buy and Starbbucks executive Stephen Gillett was appointed as executive vice president and chief operating officer of the company.