NetQin Mobile, a Beijing based provider of consumer-centric mobile security solutions, today announced that is has opened a Security Research Center in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The Security Research Center will focus specifically on identifying and monitoring mobile security threats that could impact consumers.
The NetQin Security Research Center is led by Dr. Xuxian Jiang, who was appointed Chief Scientist at NetQin Mobile Inc. in September 2011. Jiang is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department and a member of the Cyber Defense Lab at North Carolina State University.
“In working with Dr. Jiang and his team at the NetQin Research Lab, we anticipate faster and broader detection of mobile security threats than ever,” said Chris Stier, Managing Director of the Americas, NetQin.
“Our role and number one goal at NetQin Security Research Center is to make consumers aware of the threats that exist and ensure they have the right tools to mitigate those risks,” said Dr. Jiang.
Mobile devices have been increasingly targeted by attackers, as evidenced by several recent mobile malware outbreaks, with Android devices in particular being the subject of many attacks. In its most recent quarterly threat report released last month, McAfee highlighted the growing amount of mobile malware targeting Google’s Android operating system, showing 76 percent jump in malware targeting Android devices since last quarter. In fact, in the second quarter of 2011, Android OS-based malware surpassed Symbian OS for the most popular target for mobile malware developers, according to McAfee.
Suggested Reading: Mitigation of Security Vulnerabilities on Android & Other Open Handset Platforms
Suggested Reading: Attacks on Mobile and Embedded Systems: Current Trends