Anti-spam industry organization, the Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG), announced today that it is offering free training to educate messaging professionals on the latest technologies to help prevent spam and fraudulent messages from reaching consumers.
The new four-part tutorial by leading experts on DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is available at the MAAWG Web site. Live training courses on DNS security, complaint feedback loops, and DKIM will be conducted at the MAAWG General Meeting in Barcelona on June 7th. Previously, training sessions were only available to MAAWG members who attended the general meetings but are now open to qualified non-members.
All live training sessions at the MAAWG meeting in June will be taught by industry experts with extensive knowledge on the topics.
• DNSSEC (DNS Security) – Paul Vixie, ARIN chairman, Internet Systems Consortium president, and author of several RFCs on DNS, will unravel the technical complexities and outline a path to successful implementation of DNSSEC by highlighting some of the major obstacles and challenges.
• Complaint Feedback Loop Implementation – will look at the technical and social aspects of FBL, from business costs and benefits to the operational issues of creating and using a feedback loop. Kate Nowrouzi, Fishbowl manager of ISP relations, and Heather Lord, a senior engineer in anti-abuse technology at a major ISP, will lead the session.
• DKIM Theory and Implementation – The leading standard for adding trust back into email, this session will explain how DKIM works and how to plan a DKIM strategy, deploy it on email servers, and use it as a trust-based tool. Taught by Crocker and Kucherawy, it will include any updates since the video was made.
Industry professionals can request to attend the June training sessions in Barcelona by selecting “training” as the inquiry type on the “Contact Us” form at the MAAWG website,, and sending a message specifying the session with the requestor’s name, company, title, phone number and email address.
“We’re facing an ever-escalating war with spam, phishing and email fraud. Recognizing the expertise that gathers at our members-only MAAWG meetings, we wanted to step up to the plate and make this knowledge more accessible to the global industry.
The training will enable more messaging specialists to use these tools, and the more professionals capable of implementing advanced technologies, the better the email experience will be for all consumers,” said Michael O’Reirdan, MAAWG chairman.
The MAAWG 19th General Meeting will be held June 8-10 in Barcelona.
More information on the courses is available at