Lookingglass Cyber Solutions, an Arlington, VA-based provider of threat intelligence solutions, announced on Monday that it has acquired Deep Packet Processing (DPP) platform provider CloudShield, for an undisclosed amount.
The all-cash acquisition, which closed on February 27, 2015, strengthens Lookinglass’ ability to deliver a dynamic defense solution to its customers, which include businesses and government agencies.
Founded in 2000, CloudShield’s flagship Deep Packet Processing platform is completely open and can host applications ranging from critical network security solutions to general-purpose information technology applications, and offers customers ways to monitor and interact with network traffic to combat cyber attacks.
CloudShield’s technology will tie into Lookingglass’ next generation platform, which the company plans to release in Q2 2015, Chris Coleman, Lookingglass Chief Executive Officer, told SecurityWeek.
“We will have product sets that integrate between CloudShield and the Lookingglass threat platform, Coleman said.
“CloudShield will enable Lookingglass to operationalize threat intelligence while introducing more advanced tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) into the network fabric to enhance the strategy for dynamic defense,” said Coleman, who previously served as Director of Cyber Security at networking giant Cisco Systems.
“Integrating threat intelligence into a customer’s environment and workflows is a critical evolution for threat intelligence providers,” Coleman said.
Lookingglass’ threat intelligence management system delivers content, context and confidence in risk and security operations decision support. The Lookingglass platform is data and feed agnostic, and supports commercial and open source threat intelligence feeds.
CloudShield will operate as a division of Lookingglass and will be headquartered in Arlington, Va.
The combined companies will exceed 130 employees.
The acquisition, combined with existing organic growth will help Lookingglass grow an expected 300% in 2016, Coleman said.