Facebook and Google this week announced that they will partner again next year for the second edition of BountyCon, their Asia-Pacific bug hunting conference.
The first BountyCon was hosted in March this year. The two-day event included talks from top bounty hunters and a live hacking event that resulted in $120,000 being awarded in bounty payouts, for 40 valid bug submissions.
Held in Singapore on April 4-5, 2020, the second edition of the conference is mainly targeting security researchers in the APAC region, but will welcome researchers from all around the world.
The conference will include presentations from both Facebook and Android security teams, with practical tips for individuals looking to find and report high-quality vulnerabilities. Top researchers in the security community will also participate, Facebook says.
The conference, the social platform announced, will close with a live hacking event on Facebook and Google Play apps.
The Internet giant also announced the launch of a Capture the Flag competition (CTF) that will run through January 26, 2020. Challenges in the CTF will target various skills from web application security to reverse engineering.
Security researchers interested in participating should head to this page to access the challenges and submit flags. The social platform also says that more challenges will be added through the competition, so researchers should keep an eye on the list. The official rules of the competition are available here.
Researchers who win a large number of CTFs will have higher scores and Facebook says it will invite some of the highest scoring researchers to BountyCon, and that it will also cover airfare and accommodation in Singapore.
“While this conference is mainly built for researchers from the Asia-Pacific region, we welcome everyone to compete for a few spots that we have reserved for the top worldwide participants,” Facebook says.
Singapore is the home city for SecurityWeek’s 2020 Singapore ICS Cyber Security Conference, an event dedicated to serving critical infrastructure and industrial internet stakeholders in the APAC region.
Related: Facebook Pays $120,000 in Bounties at BountyCon
Related: NordVPN Launches Bug Bounty Program