If we should face a Dead-End AI future, the cybersecurity industry will continue to rely heavily on traditional approaches, especially human-driven ones. It won’t...
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If we should face a Dead-End AI future, the cybersecurity industry will continue to rely heavily on traditional approaches, especially human-driven ones. It won’t...
How will Artificial Intelligence develop in the near term, and how will this impact us as security planners and practitioners?
We Can’t Rely on Our Own Governments to Practice Responsible Full Disclosure. Full Disclosure is Compromised.
Cryptocurrency was envisioned as a revolution in how money is created, used and controlled.
Cybersecurity has gone through many changes over the past decade. From being a niche sector, rarely taken seriously or understood, to underpinning national security,...
Organizations That Do Not Invest Even in Baseline Security Are Realistically Uncompetitive
There are two possible outcomes: if the result confirms the hypothesis, then you've made a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis,...
Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence as it is sadly erroneously being marketed as, is all the rage right now. We are being promised a...
We Can Automate the Action, Without Automating the Decision...
What is Essentially Needed is a NATO or Similar Structure Organization for Cyberwarfare
Einstein is often quoted as having said that insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. When it...
The A-Z of professional Vulnerability Management: A – is for Authenticated Scanning Choices, choices…