A previously unseen threat actor, likely a nation-state, is targeting various entities in South Asia, with a focus on Afghanistan, according to a warning...
Threat hunters at Microsoft are raising the alarm about a new Iran-linked threat actor caught using password-spraying techniques to break into defense technology companies...
A prominent American cryptocurrency promoter and former hacker has pleaded guilty to advising North Korea on using virtual money to avoid international controls, a...
A major U.S. port was the target last month of suspected nation-state hackers, according to officials.The Port of Houston, a critical piece of infrastructure...
A new domain name system (DNS) attack method that involves registering a domain with a specific name can be leveraged for what researchers described...
Nuclear-armed North Korea is advancing on the front lines of cyberwarfare, analysts say, stealing billions of dollars and presenting a clearer and more present...
During an attack on the defense industry, the North Korea-linked threat group known as Lazarus was able to exfiltrate data from a restricted network...
Noteworthy stories that might have slipped under the radar: ENISA and NCSC release cybersecurity reports, abuse of Cloudflare services, FBI warns of gen-AI enabling...