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Hacker Conversations

David Kennedy is a hacker. There is no doubt about that. He has qualities common among hackers, but also many differences.

Hacker Conversations

McInerney’s path to becoming a hacker is subtly different to many other hackers. He started as a 22-year old psychology graduate rather than a...

Hacker Conversations

Joe Grand is the epitome of a hacker. Childhood curiosity followed by mischief-making tipping over into illegal behavior before developing into a responsible good...

Hacker Conversations

Many hackers trace their origin to an interest in, and early exposure to, computers. Tom Anthony is no different.

Hacker Conversations

Chris Evans, CISO and chief hacking officer at HackerOne, challenges the common perception of both hackers and their motivation.

Hacker Conversations

Ron Reiter was a childhood hacker in Israel. He was recruited into the IDF’s elite Unit 8200 for his military service. Now he is...

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