The Security Vendor Space is Extremely Noisy and Increasingly Out of Touch With the Needs of the Enterprise
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The Security Vendor Space is Extremely Noisy and Increasingly Out of Touch With the Needs of the Enterprise
This may come as a surprise to people who know me, but I’ve recently developed a love for crossword puzzles. Aside from challenging our...
There are No Shortcuts or Easy Fixes for Retaining Top Security Talent, but Respect is KeyIn the words of the famous song “Respect”, written...
We all have our favorite places, whether they be restaurants, stores, parks, museums, or something else entirely. One question I sometimes ask myself is...
The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines the idiom “better the devil you know than the devil you don't” as “it is better to deal with a...
Security Organizations Should Remember to Seek a Second Opinion, Which Can Bring Bias to Light
In a December 2011 Forbes article entitled "How To Waste $100 Billion: Weapons That Didn't Work Out", author Loren Thompson discusses a number of...
Security Teams Are Often Challenged to Run a Proper Security Program With Too Few Resources
The known provides something very comforting to the human psyche. On the contrary, the unknown causes discomfort and unsettledness. Perhaps it is because of...
How Can Security Professionals Know When to Trust and When to Hold Their Cards Close? The Byrds 1965 hit song “Turn! Turn! Turn!” has always...
If you’re like me, you’ve likely sat through some pretty painful conference talks, meetings, industry sessions, or other gatherings over the course of your...
As unfortunate, sad, and tragic as traffic accidents are, they regularly have one thing in common. When one of the people involved in the...