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Mobile & Wireless

Pixel 9 comes with improved security hardening mitigations against common exploits on cellular basebands.

Mobile & Wireless

Memory safety bugs in Android have decreased significantly as old code matures and new code uses memory-safe languages.

Mobile & Wireless

An investigation has been launched into a Wi-Fi service hack that has impacted many train stations in the United Kingdom.

Law Enforcement Dismantles Phishing Platform Used for Unlocking Stolen Phones

Mobile & Wireless

The iServer phishing-as-a-service platform was used by Spanish-speaking criminals to harvest credentials and unlock stolen and lost phones.

Mobile & Wireless

Google has released Android security updates to patch an exploited local privilege escalation vulnerability.

New Phishing Technique Bypasses Security on iOS and Android to Steal Bank Credentials

Mobile & Wireless

New phishing attacks target iOS and Android users with Progressive Web Applications and WebAPKs to steal banking information.

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