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Email Security

The US government warns of a North Korean threat actor abusing weak email DMARC settings to hide spear-phishing attacks.


A botnet dismantled in January and used by Russia-linked APT28 consisted of more than just Ubiquiti Edge OS routers.

Google Boosts Bug Bounty Payouts Tenfold in Mobile App Security Push

Malware & Threats

Researchers can earn as much as $450,000 for a single vulnerability report as Google boosts its mobile vulnerability rewards program.

Cuttlefish Malware Targets Routers, Harvests Cloud Authentication Data 

Malware & Threats

Cuttlefish malware platform roaming around enterprise SOHO routers capable of covertly harvesting public cloud authentication data from internet traffic.

Malware & Threats

The new Wpeeper Android trojan ceased operations after a week and has zero detections in VirusTotal.

Critical Vulnerabilities in Judge0 Lead to Sandbox Escape, Host Takeover

Malware & Threats

Three vulnerabilities in the Judge0 open source service could allow attackers to escape the sandbox and obtain root privileges on the host.