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Security giant Symantec (NASDAQ:SYMC) today reported the results of its fourth quarter and the fiscal year 2012, ended March 30, 2012. For the fiscal year, GAAP revenue was $6.73 billion, up 9 percent year-over-year and up 6 percent after adjusting for currency.The company reported GAAP revenue of $1.68 billion for its fiscal fourth quarter, flat year-over-year and up 1 percent after adjusting for currency.Key financial metrics reported today include:

Ice Cream is Always Tastier on the Other Cone. Why Cloud SEM is Better Than Your SEM.I'm going to take you through a story, then a rant and then I’ll sprinkle on some clarity. Although the correlation might be hard to grasp, I promise to take it full circle. If you get one thing out of this post, it’s that the cloud is tasty.

Wave Systems, a Massachusetts-based provider of security, data protection and encryption solutions, today launched "Scrambles", a new service designed to enable users to post secure content across social media sites.Scrambls is free and allows businesses and consumers to encrypt text over services including Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail, and define who can and cannot see the “scrambled” posts.

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute have come together to create a layered approach for enterprises to deal with insider threats. The Insider Threat Security Reference Architecture (ITSRA) was born from existing best practices and data taken from 700 cases of insider related crime.There are four layers to the ITSRA:

Verizon Wireless, the largest carrier in the U.S., has signed an agreement with Cellcrypt, a provider of mobile encryption software, to market its offerings to the government. At present, the co-branded service is undergoing testing; it will be widely available this fall.

There is more to the Flashback attacks than simply infecting computers. According to Symantec, a version of the malware targets Google in an advertising fraud scheme that could generate up to $10,000 a day in profits for the fraudsters.Symantec dubbed the variant Flashback.K. After some reverse engineering, the firm determined the malware is being used in a click fraud scheme designed to hijack clicks on legitimate Google ads and send them to websites that paid them to generate traffic.

Pindrop Security, a startup focused on combating phone-based fraud, today announced that it has closed a $1 million seed round of financing, coming from a sizable pool of investors that the company says will be used to grow its customer base and expand product development.

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Application Security

Application Security

Adobe is providing incentives for bug bounty hackers to report security flaws in its implementation of Content Credentials and Adobe Firefly.

Cloud Security

Cloud Security

Cloud security giant Wiz has raised $1 billion, which brings the total funding to $1.9 billion, at a valuation of $12 billion.