ICS-CERT, the section of U.S. CERT that deals with Industrial Control Systems, is issuing an advisory after a researcher exposed four separate flaws within...
Most Popular Exploit Documents Used in April 2012Trend Micro researchers recently offered a peek into just how prevalent the use of certain document types...
Yesterday, SecurityWeek reported on a decision by Adobe to forgo developing a software patch to address code execution vulnerabilities in three applications under its...
Adobe’s Photoshop is a key application within the marketing, advertising, sales, publishing and graphic design markets. Businesses that rely on images to move product...
Apple Auto-Disables Outdated Versions of Flash Player, Pushes Several Security Fixes in Mac OS X 10.7.4 and Safari UpdateFollowing a recent update to its...
BeyondTrust, a Carlsbad, California-based provider of identity management solutions, today announced that is has acquired vulnerability management solution provider, eEye Digital Security.
The Blackhole exploit kit has moved its ransom-based payloads forward from child porn and terrorism to copyright violations. The new theme from the crime...