Business resilience must be the ultimate purpose of all the security controls and processes we employ, because we will never conclusively defeat or protect...
Noteworthy stories that might have slipped under the radar: several multi-million dollar settlements, CrowdStrike-themed phishing emails, and MITRE launches D3FEND 1.0.
Social Networking in the Workplace - Workplace Social Networking creating security issues for corporate networksThe use of social networks by workers on the job...
As cybercrime continues to grow and become more complex, businesses must race to implement tools, technologies and strategies to protect their organizations.Frost & Sullivan...
With much of the focus on blocking inbound spam to networks, there is significant oversight in what’s happening with outbound spam coming from organizations...
Anti-spam industry organization, the Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG), announced today that it is offering free training to educate messaging professionals on the latest...
The Avalanche phishing gang was responsible for two-thirds of all phishing attacks on the Internet according to the Anti-Phishing Working Group’s semiannual Global Phishing...
Vice President of Technology and Innovation at Verizon, Peter Tippett, speaking at the Infosecurity Europe trade show in London this week, made an interesting...
As the number of cyber attacks against businesses increases, the majority of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are not familiar with many of the...
Symantec (Nasdaq: SYMC) today unveiled beta versions of the Norton 2011 AntiVirus and Norton 2011 Internet Security, available now as free download. With performance...