Because you can’t secure what you can’t see, having real-time asset visibility across the network is vital to maximizing security, minimizing risk, and protecting...
Previously, I’ve talked about four primary risk treatment options: mitigate, avoid, accept, and transfer. Over the history of the security industry, we’ve tended to focus...
It is time, suggest two academics from Indiana University-Bloomington, for Congress to establish a National Cybersecurity Safety Board (NCSB) as an analogue of the...
Insurance giant American International Group said this week that it has developed a new cyber benchmarking model that quantifies and scores the cyber risk...
San Francisco-based consulting firm AsTech has today announced a $1 million guarantee for its Qualys Managed Services offering. AsTech is one of a small...
Industry is massively underinsured against a major global cyberattack -- which could trigger losses on a par with natural disasters such as Hurricane (Superstorm)...